
Showing posts from December, 2018

Merry Christmas and playing with family

In my house, it is tradition that we all meet to make the secret of Santa, and the grandchildren strike the "tió", it is a piece of a tree, while the children sing and then the "tió" gives a gift for kids. After dinner, when the kids were sleep, the rest is playing a table of games, and this year as a game in English.

Merry Christmas

I congratulated Christmas classmates for the whatapp group with a Christmas remembering Queen.

Games at the Eoi Library

I participated in the game day with classmates in the fourth and five course. The games were directed and dynamized by Julia and David. Great experience, it was organisate by Estudents Association.

Go to the cinema V.O.

I went to see the Rhapsody of Bohemia with classmates after class. I love the queen and I liked watching the movie. While looking at the movie, I could not stop singing. I was surprised, because I did not know it, that Freddy was from Pasquitan.